Saturday, October 29, 2016

Kako ustaviti kolcanje

Vsi smo se že večkrat spraševali, katera metoda za ustavitev kolcanja je najboljša. Se nam je kolcalo do onemoglosti, zadrževali smo sapo, pili vodo, se vlekli za ušesa... Mogoče sem pogruntal pravo metodo, kako ustaviti kolcanje.  

Prva pomoč pri kolcanju

Da preskočim uvodno filozofijo, poglejmo najprej, kako ustaviti kolcanje hitro in efektno:

  1. Najprej se umirite. Nehajte piti, kaditi, se smejati, jeziti, jezditi konja itd. Dajte telesu kakšno minuto ali dve, mogoče se bo kolcanje ustavilo samo.
  2. Če se ni ustavilo, najdite prvo kuhinjsko ali kopalniško pipo. Za vodo, jasno. 
  3. Vode NE bomo pili, ampak uporabili zanimivo metodo. Nagnete se nad umivalnik, v roko zajamete tekočo vodo izpod pipe in namičite goflo v vodo. Kot bi hoteli piti...vendar ne pijemo! Potem pa skozi usta pozaugajte čimveč vode v usta, kot bi hoteli vdihniti skozi vso to vodo, tako da vam bo voda napolnila usta in bo skorajda želela že zapolniti grlo.
    Nekega hudega dihanja skozi vso to vodo ne morete uprizoriti, vendar vztrajajte kakšne pol minute, minuto in skušajte VDIHNITI SKOZI VODO - v tem je poanta
  4. Ponavadi uspe že po nekaj 10 sekundah in kolcanje se takoj neha!

Zakaj? Kako je lahko ta smešna metoda učinkovita?

Dejansko gre za naravo kolcanja, ki je alarmni signal telesa, da naj prekine z vnosom neke moteče substance, ter na drugi strani naravni odziv telesa na simptome utapljanja. Polna usta vode in poskus dihanja skozi vodo telo zazna kot alarm najvišje stopnje, češ utapljamo se! Zato v tem trenutku ustavi vse nepotrebne alarme nižje stopnje in se osredotoči na čim bolj efektivno dihanje, da si bo nabralo čimveč kisika, če bi se res utopili. Ker kolcanje preprečuje tekoče in mirno dihanje, telo TAKOJ USTAVI KOLCANJE, da lahko čim bolje diha. Simpl ko' pasulj, je tako?

Kaj kolcanje sploh je?

Kolikor mi je znano, ne obstaja uradna definicija, kaj kolcanje kot telesno opravilo sploh je. Ok, vemo, da gre tu za krčenje trebušne prepone, vemo, da so tu živčni impulzi...vendar ne vemo, kaj telo sporoča s kolcanjem.

Moja teorija je, da je kolcanje neke vrste ALARM in PREVENTIVNI ukrep telesa, ko je zgornji prebavni trakt prestopil neko mejo nadzorovane uravnovešenosti. Predvsem gre tu po moje za zakisanost (ok, pustimo predsodke glede zakisanosti telesa) in zmožnosti prebavnih organov, da to kislost zadržijo v zdravih mejah.

Mogoče je šlo samo za par pljuskov želodčne kisline po ranah v želodcu, ker je telo interpretiralo kot vnos neke hrane ali pijače, ki je povzročila dodatno razjedanje ranjene stene želodčne sluznice in je zato sprožilo kolcaje kot preventivo, češ, nehaj piti, jesti, ker me boli.

Možno, da smo kislost prebavnih sokov močno vrgli iz ravnovesja nekoč v preteklosti s prekomernim popivanjem, ovojnica črevesja in želodca ima (kot vemo) enako celično sestavo, kot možgani (pravzaprav so možgani in ovojnica prebavil v embriu nastali iz istega skupka celic!), torej je naš prebavni trakt do neke stopnje inteligenten. Si je pač zapomnil, pivo = živo sranje za kislino v želodcu in bo tudi po par letih na en sam požirek piva odreagiral z alarmom - Hik!
Če to prevedemo v slovenščino, bi želodec rekel: "Nehaj!"

Nadaljujem s teorijo ob priliki...

Hiccups treatment - How to stop hiccups instantly

Most of us have been in situation, when we were searching the mind, past and internet on how to get rid of annoying hiccups, which simply do not stop. Well, here's maybe the ultimate recipe how to efficiently and quickly stop hiccups.  

Hiccup first aid first

Let's cut the crap and attack the solution first: how to instantly stop hiccups? It's quite simple and surprisingly effective:

  1. Stop eating, drinking, smoking, laughing, short, as your hiccups attack, wait a minute or two, relax, maybe hiccups will stop by itself. But anyways, relax and do not continue with any nervous activity until you solve hiccups.
  2. Go to kitchen or bathroom faucet, lean forward in position like you would be dringking water from faucet. 
  3. You will not drink water from faucet. Instead, you just soak your lips into water well, made of your hand (like drinking) and pull full mouth and part of throat of water, then  force try to BREATHE through your mouth full of water.
    Some air will pass through, but not much. As you are leaned forward, gravity will try to pull water out of your mouth and throat, but you will try to suck and inhale air through your mouth, so your mouth and throat will fill with water. Actually, it's hard for me (non-native English speaker) to describe, but I hope you understand. The point is that your mouth is filled with water almost throat-deep, you are leaned forward and you are trying to breathe through all that water in your mouth and partly in your throat.
    Again, you do NOT need to drink that water, actually, you should NOT even try to. Instead, focus on trying to breathe through all that water - that's the main point.
  4. If you do get the right position, hiccups will stop immediately!

Why? How this hiccups stopping method would work instantly?

It's the nature of hiccups (which are just body alerts to prevent further input of some beverage, which would change digestive flora above acceptable parameters) and our body native response on drowning (mouth full of water). 
Digestive alert is low-priority and life preservation during drowning with mouth full of water is top-priority, so body instantly switches to life preservation mode, discards all alerts and focuses on smooth breathing to inhale as much oxygen as possible, as there's a threat for fresh air supply to be cut very soon. 
This cuts hiccups instantly.

What does NOT help on hiccups?

Most wide spread advises to stop hiccups are:

  • Drink a cup of water, quickly
  • Hold breath for as long as you can
Then there are some unbelievable methods, haven't tried yet:
  • Have an orgasm
  • Drink water while plugging your ears
  • Pull your tongue out
  • Get a rectal massage
  • etc :)
While any method, mentioned here or not, might help or not, there are actually no mentions of any instant method, as I found out and described in previous chapter above. All other methods might influence hiccup mechanism, irritate it or mess with it, so hiccups might stop....or not.

What hiccups actually are?

As I am aware, there is no official description on what hiccup actually is. I know, there are contractions and so on...but what does your body signal out by hic-uping?

Well, I am sure hiccups are some kind of ALERTS and PREVENTIVE measures, which our body takes when upper congestion part is un-balanced beyond healthy limits. The influenced factors, which  - among others - might result in hiccups, are:
  • instant alcality of digestive fluids
  • long-term alcality of digestive fluids
  • blood alcality
  • stomach ulcer iritation
  • ingestion of "just-totaly-wrong-beverage"
  • etc (will add later, as I need to google for english terms)
So when our body detects that our digestive flora is too alkaline and it will not be able to compensate with digestive fluids, it triggers alert in terms of hiccups to prevent further ingestion of irritating beverage (beer, for example) or other ingredient (cigarette smoke, for example). 
If hiccups were not triggered with above mentioned inputs, it might be just digestive acidic fluid flushing at the moment some ulcer or sensitive part of stomach, being acid-eaten too deep.

So drinking water will do some help, but not always. For example, if hiccups are triggered by just acid flushing some painful sores in your stomach, then drinking some water will just raise level of stomach (acidic) fluid, meaning painful sore will be now fully covered with aggressive liquid. This does not good for stomach and neither to hiccups. Actually, in such a case hiccups will be even stronger, as alert level is now even higher.

To be continued...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Promising result of magnet motor experiment

It was a good night

Last week seems something happened. Among other things that happen all the time, one special was noticed by me. Actually, it was produced and induced by me, playing with one of permanent magnet motors setup on my desk, I noticed some interesting effect.

Under simple controlled environment I managed to generate a constant rotation force to the rotor and thus compensate the friction of roller bearings for a significant value! The rotor itself normally stopped after 5 turns in free run, after it was pushed by spring lever. After applying really weird stator permanent magnets, rotor kept turning freely for another 10 or 11 rounds, achieving a total of 15 to 16 turns before it stopped by itself.

This is over 300% increase in pure magnetic layer!

Next step is to repeat the test in more steady and measurable environment, with precision under 0,5 mm and with a bigger device. Also, variations of rotor magnets angling are to be examined, because I really can only suspect what happened.

What happened here?

I assume I managed to produce asymmetric permanent magnet by combining 2 Neodymium magnets within 2 opposite-set magnetic shielding caps (see picture above, Asymmetric magnet capsule). This construction probably skew magnetic field, concentrated magnetic force in a way that resulting attraction forces were much lower than repelling forces against rotor magnets. In that manner, rotor was constantly pushed to rotate more than it was dragged back to be stopped.

The gain in constant push resulted in effect, that rotor, which was always initiated by spring lever on the side, did not make just 5 turns as normal (when only friction of bearings is slowing it down), but instead it kept turning for at least 15 turns. I see no other explanation, beside the obvious: magnetic field can be directed asymmetricaly, so a constant push in tangental direction from permanent magnets setup. I guess, if I would have more of those Asymmetric magnetic capsules, mounted all around the rotor, it might have rotate by itself, even would produce rotation force out of permanent magnets!


Well, this is tricky part. The experiment success came out of few hours of playing with magnets, so it was not scientific experiment, but rather a random discovery. Magnets were 2cm long square bars with 0,5cm side, magnetized along their shorter side. The Asymmetric magnet capsule consisted of a pair of same magnets, encapsulated in two caps of special material with low coercitivity.
The positions and angles of magnets are just fictional here on the image! I have marked and documented the exact angles and positions for my further experiments, so I will not disclose them to the public at the moment.     

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dimensional failure

We assume dimensions are kind of stacked one onto another, some assume TIME is 4th dimension, but it is maybe not so plain and simple.

Classic dimension stacking model is presented here:
As we see, 1D should be a line, 2D a flat object, 3D a volume space. Now 4D is mathemathically proven, as are upper dimensions, but are hard to understand, because our mind cannot visualize it.

Now, this I believe is wrong!

These are - by my opinion - only models for peace of mind, to think that we understand our 3D world. But no, sorry, 2D and 1D do not exist and can be disregarded. Our perception indeed is 2D, enhanced by shadows, lights and brain calculations, so we can distinguish flat from volumetric, distant from near, coming towards from going back etc. But we are only talking about how eyes picture our world! It is not a definition of a dimension only for the reason some eyeballs can see only flat surface!

Instead, we have MASS, which is 3D. Moving mass around in some time period gives us work, so I declare ENERGY to be 4th dimension. And as I said 1st and 2nd dimension do not exist, we can seize it down into simple world:

The existence fact is 1st, primary dimension. This is mass, atoms, and all structures above.
The changing fact is 2nd, secondary dimension. This is energy, changing thru time, space and transitions.

There are no other dimensions, sorry.

How can quantum mechanics laws still exist in 2 dimensional world?

This is yet to be explained, since above idea was a flick of the mind about an hour ago. I need to strenghten it down, to be more bulletproof.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Questions to sceptics

Well, there might be a lot of questions regarding a so called "free energy". My latest opinion on the subject is there is actually no free energy in terms of energy coming out of nothing. Rather I say there are options, possibilities, principles to access enormous stored energy with a new, not yet discovered principle.

For example, nuclear energy, released with a bomb, has probably one of the highest ration of energy stored on per volume unit. We do not employ ANY energy storing or energy production device, which would come even close to that ratio in normal usage scenarios. Most of the time we use more "light" principles, relatively safe chemical principles to store energy, and mechanical energy conversions to retrieve energy. We do not power our vehicle with a nuclear reactor (...except if we go to the Mars).

This means that if we cut off ONLY ONE discovery in our history, the nuclear reaction principle, we'd still have 95% of all energy sources we use daily!
Now, isn't it possible that there is AT LEAST ONE more principle of extracting enormous energy out of the atom, except of nuclear reaction? Can we be sure that nuclear reaction is the final, last discovery of most per volume effective energy extraction?
I think not!


Most SCIENTISTS commented on my energy transition theories with known facts, like these, which I will question one by one:

Magnetism is a static force, does not have the distance variable, so if we know ENERGY is force needed, multiplied by distance travelled, means, that magnetism itself does not have any energy.

Yes, that's true. BUT if we dig deeper, we define magnetism as a structured orientation of electrons lining up in the same direction within the whole structure of a material. Normally, electrons are not oriented structurally, or better, they are "paired" and nullified in regards to magnetic force, so the whole material does not exhibit magnetism as a whole. When we disrupt this "pairing" with strong magnetic influence from outside, some of materials are showing the ability, to both, leave structure of atoms in the material stable, while orientating the majority of electrons in the same direction, thus posing as permanent magnets.
Ok, now let's get deeper, into nucleus and electrons orbiting them. My counter-fact is the quantum mechanics definition of electrons, orbiting the nucleus core of atoms, were quantum mechanics simply quit explaining the force, which propels electrons to orbit around atom core all the time, and rather defined the rotation as a PROPERTY.
This means, that today's quantum mechanics does NOT have an explanation of the force, which keeps up electrons "alive", rotating around atom core all the time. Also Quantum mechanics does not have an explanation of SOURCE of eV voltage in electrons - it cannot be in domain of gravity, because it is present regardless of gravity force.
So sceptics, explain me where is all this energy coming from? My theory about layers of energies in different dimensions would explain this phenomena.

Magnetism like a gravity cannot be used as a SOURCE of energy, but can only help extracting other energies, like potential or kinetic energy into electricity, for example.

True, but again - not the whole truth.
Fro example, hydroelectric power plant is converting the potential energy of the water into electricity. Water in a higher level is influenced by gravity, faling down to lower level, rotating turbines on the way down and thus generating electricity. No water = no energy. But also no gravity = no energy. And to not forget, no potential difference in water levels = no energy.
So here we find water being just a MEDIUM to enable work to be done, so in thory we could use sand and also dense air instead of water, or stones falling down could also rotate turbine, right? Also metallic balls would do the same job in space, if instead of gravity we'd have magnetic floor, right? So we narrow it down to potential difference.
Since gravity is vertical in our Earth, potential difference in our case means difference in height of media. but what if we'd have gravity force in circle, not vertical? Ok, let's give up on gravity, because we are still in quest of gravity particle (Boson-particle, strings maybe?) and let's use magnetic force instead - we know magnetic force particle, right?
What if we'd organise magnetic material structure in a circular way? Would it null-out, or would it close in the infinite loop? Why must the force always be straight? Which PARTICLE defines that property?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Magnetic time-space shift battery

More than a century ago Michael Faraday speculated that the electromotive force acting on the charge of an electron moving through a device or circuit is proportional to the time derivative of the magnetic field. The electromotive force and huge magneto resistance in magnetic tunnel junctions was brought into life thru a device by University of Miami Physicist Stewart E. Barnes, of the College of Arts and Sciences and with his collaborators at the Universities of Tokyo and Tohoku, Japan, which have created a device that can store energy in magnets rather than through chemical reactions.

This is a step in the direction which my theory about energy transitions between different dimensional time-space also applies, but above mentioned scientists think of it through conventional quantum theory, also based on Faraday's laws.

The above device stored thousand times more energy and was able to provide it for thousand times longest time period as predicted, which is way over anybody's expectations. Through experiment was done in nano-meter dimensions, it might be applied on larger devices.

My biggest replica to this test is the base of thinking itself. Scientists are trying to explain what happened and how the huge energy was stored using known laws, while my opinion is quite different.

What happens there indeed?

According to my speculative theory, the field energy distribution inside magnets are very similar to those inside black hole. As known, inside black hole time-space is compressed, so we can say time (or space) acts differently inside black hole than outside of it. So one second for observer inside black hole could feel like thousands or millions of seconds, depending on gravitation filed density inside black hole.
This also applies to mass and energy, so the sum of energy inside black hole is thousands or million times larger per same volume unit as per volume unit outside of it, of course, measuring with volume units of "outside" observer. So in theory we could store almost indefinite amount of energy (or mass?) inside a small black hole and carry it by in a briefcase, right?

The similar applies to dense magnetic field inside permanent magnets.The core of my speculative theory claims, that within very dense magnetic fields time-space is compressed or slowed down very similarly, as inside very strong gravitational fields.

But on the other side we know, magnetism is more like electricity and less like gravity. Electricity (applies to light, too) and magnetism both have and need known carrier particles, while gravity does not...ok, maybe the Strings theory or discovery of Bozon could give us more knowledge, but as of now, gravity does not need a particle to exist.
Also, both, electricity and magnetism are relative and related to velocity, which does not need to be at speed of light. Instead any speed will do.

So, what's the point? How can magnetism be related to electricity, while having a property of gravity?

If we start with known photon as a carrier for electromagnetic force or light, we know it exhibits both, wave and particle properties, and further, photon mass does not obey base mathematics by summing up the mass of photons, where single photons in observed space do not have any mass, but sum of observed space does.
This and many more anomalies in any known theories point into single direction of imprecision. Or even erroneous. Whish leads to conclusion: either we did not define particle or energy properly, or there is something left beyond, undefined, unknown.

And even more - quantum physics does not bother explaining, or if you like, does not reach so deep to explain where eV charge and energy for electrons orbiting around nucleus atomic core comes from, so quantum mechanics defined it simply as a property of electron. But by my opinion, there is more than just a simple property.
I believe that just there, at the imaginary paths of electrons and our imaginary picture of electron, which is not a particle, but has also some properties of a particle - well, here are some transitions of energy layers hidden. Quantum mechanics attaches magnetism property to electrons orientation, and my theory speculates, that this magnetic force is THE compressing mechanism on micro-level, which extracts energy to keep atom "alive" from upper dimensional space. To easier understand what I mean, we can imagine electrons rotation as a magnetic "pump", which alternates magnetic and electrical property of electron with very high frequency. Within each pump cycle, electron orbit enters one layer deeper into upper dimension, again said very simple, for example, jumps back and forth in time scale, so the orbit has a property of a slice of energy from the past and from the future. This results in potential difference and produces internal charge of electrons.

Now, one of the spikes in my theory is the speculation, that by dynamic influence with external magnetic field we can produce electric current on electron spin level. Each electron spin may have magnetic orientation changed, acting like a small electric generator. Electrons even do not need to be structured like in permanent magnets, but can or, in fact, MUST change positions for the electric current to occur.      

My theory tries to unveil the property of energy (and mass?), which can be layered, like into slices, where each slice is a bit shifted in time-space, or better, it extends into upper dimension, and this extent could be of any possible megnitude. There could be only one single layer of energy, which we can detect, produce, store and manipulate with, but there could also be many more layers, extending into upper dimension, which we cannot detect.

So how can we reach those other layers of energy or mass from upper dimension?

Now, with all those writing I am speculating a lot, but now my speculations will go even further. Don't blame me, I am just thinking :) Ok, my idea on how to reach the upper dimensional energy is a kind of time-space compressor, with the principle of already mentioned black hole.
This compressing mechanismus would squeeze our time-space continuum, like squeezing a tube, but only inside a special container, which could be a magnetic field container (different time-space properties inside dense magnetic field, against normal properties outside of it). I almost said also electric field, but no, electric or electromagnetic field can not be used to compress it's own time-space, because...well, I don't know, I just have such feeling. Maybe because electricity is a RESULT of forces, consequence of particle movements, while magnetism and gravity are BASE energies, with static properties, which do not need relative velocity for existence. Therefore gravity and magnetism may get caught into closed loop and produce almost infinite force, while electricity wores itself out in a closed loop.

This picture shows our normal time-space continuum, represented by straight tube, and how it might look like when influenced by strong magnetic (or gravitational) field.
Of course, this is just a visual aid, representation to easier understand what's going on, while in reality who knows, how it really looks like.

What's missing in this picture is our normal time-space in left picture, which you can imagine as putting "normal" tube over squeezed one - this normal tube would represent our normal time-space, which remains un-squeezed for outside observer.
So, when time-space inside strong magnetic field gets squeezed, the un-seen outer time-space (which is not in the picture) gets access to all the layered energy (or mass?) inbetween "normal" and "squeezed" continuum. Magnetism inside squeezed tube would need to break apart into base particles, atoms, maybe quarks, to return into normal time-space...but in such a situation our tube would inflate instead of squeeze.

What this means for energy storage?

Well, I think this means we can store thousands or millions of times more of energy inside permanent magnets, than with any other chemical method, which we are using now. The principle of magnetising is quick and seemingly permanent (because stored energy is so large, that it seems it never wores out), and is so quicker than battery recharging, that any comparison fails out unfair. Beside, stored energy is much, much larger on volume unit, compared to chemical batteries, which finally renders today's energy storage useless.

My prediction and oppinion is that in near future we will be able to store energy in small permanent magnet-type batteries, and one tiny battery will be able to run a vehicle for a month or even a year.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Started social fund raising

Just today I started new campaign for public funding of my research and development in the subject of building up some magnetic energy devices and to develop my theory further.

As my research is in very initial state and I have nothing in particular to show yet, I am not eligible for real investments. You can picture all companies would need some real results before even thinking of investing. So I can rely only on public funding.

You can DONATE by clicking on goFundMe image on the right side of this blog.
Thank you all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Get involved!

Get involved and support the project by contribution, which you feel is most satisfactory to you.

Corporations and legal entities

1. Support by advertising here

Companies may legaly support this project by win-win contribution via placing their ads here, on this web page and some other web sites with cummulative daily visitors count of above 1000.
The advertising price is freely to be set by each company itself!
Request more info by writing to

2. Credit or debit cards with month limit

Interesting support option are also credit or debit cards on the company account, with month limits. That way company would be able to support the project with limited meonth amount, and controll spending on the other side.
This is indirect support, because card will be used for my personal needs, but on the other hand the same amount can therefore be spent for the project.
Request more info by writing to

3. Consultancy / advisory contract on the field of energetics

Companies, related with energy production or distribution, may also consider supporting this project via a consulting or advisory contract with me. You may support my project as long as you wish, cancel at any time, and on the other hand you gain the exploatation rights on project discoveries vith such a contract. For that sake the contract minimum is 2000 EUR per month.
Request more info by writing to

Personal contribution

1. Donate few bucks

Most of you can donate few dollars or Euros for the support of the project. Be it really few bucks for the beer, or some bigger amount - it's up to you to decide. But remember - such a donations are cruicial at the beginning!
Click on PayPal icon on the left to donate.

2. Spread the word

It is the rule of thumb, that even the brightest idea will remain unexplored, if you leave it in isolation. So it is very important to spread the word among as many friends and social groups as possible.
Please, find social icons below each post and Like and Share it. Thank you!

3. Send an e-mail to your friend

Maybe you know somebody, who would be interested? Don't hesitate, send him/her an e-mail and recommend my bloh for reading. Maybe your decision to send e-mail will get things moving, who knows... Click on 'M' icon on left.
I just found this web site about Green Energy Innovations and you may take a look at it. Seems promising: 

4. Are you CAD designer?

A good CAD architect / designer for 2D and 3D drawings and blueprints is also welcome. Of course, your work will NOT be paid in case project fails, but if WE succeed, well...we all might get rich.Contact me for more info by writing to

5. Can you give away some usefull stuff?

If you have some interesting material to give away, I would be interested. For example, electric motors, generators, Neodymium magnets, magnetic shieldings, electronic instruments, Volt-meters, Amper-meters, etc. The only requirement is that equipment is not out of order - non-functional equipment is of no use, sorry. 
Request more info by writing to

My sincere thanks to all participants!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wireless energy transfer

The mighty idea of energy transfer without wires or visible media came into play with Nikola Tesla, who - some say - even showed working device. I haven't studied his revealed scripts, so actually I just guess what it was about, but...
As I recall Tesla was talking about enormous amounts of so called cosmic energy, freely available if we just construct a device, which collects it.

This idea seems plausible even to a non rocket scientist, for example, imaging kinda radio waves or electromagnetic field in the air, you build up an antenna to pick it up and here we have free energy from outer space.
I even got to some web sites, offering great Nikola Tesla secrets revealed for some hundred bucks or so. They gave you a free example, a simple device made out of a dozen electronic components, few capacitors, resistors, germanium diodes and antenna, which produces measurable voltage on the output. Many also built this device, and considered it a prove for even bigger device can be built.
But all these offers have just one goal - to convince you to buy the book or downloadable document on how to construct free energy device...which of course DOES NOT WORK. But you spent a hunderd bucks on it and that principle of economy works :)

But was Nikola Tesla wrong?

Well, I haven't studied his work yet, but I can say for sure - NO, he was not wrong! Energy transfer beyond known transfer media is possible. But not wirelessly, as many may believe, nor via fotons or other stuff, known to Einstein Relativity.

I'll explain more in detail, but it's late nite here, me sleepy so came back in few days, and I'll write some more.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Behind the spacetime theory in 5th dimension

I may consider myself as a practical or observal physicist. Don't have high degrees (except when ill), but have very flexible, sometimes chaotic mind, having the ability to make sense of not yet related components. So, let's exploit Einstein's General Relativity Theory beyond known.

General Relativity theory parts used

We'll limit to few anchor points from General Relativity theory, which is essential to get theoretical starting point for my ideas of STARMAG engine.
  1. First claim is: Newtonian perception of time and space was that time is separated from space and it only helps us distinguish between different states of space. Albert Einstein grouped those two into spacetime, both being unconditionally related, where space or time could not exist without each other. As the space we imagine can be curved, so can be spacetime curved, which is beyond our perception, and also on the very edge of what we'll need here in my dissertation.
  2. The next important Einstein's theory result is that time runs slower as gravity increases. It's easy to understand if we take into account previous claim - imagine what happens when some mass is influenced by strong gravity - it begins compressing, becoming smaller and tighter as gravity increases. the same is valid for spacetime, as it is one component, so so both mass and time are compressed under higher gravity.
  3. Next, Einstein's bright idea was also that gravity and acceleration have the same effects on by-gravity-influenced or accelerated object. Meaning, if you are in a rocket which accelerates 9,8 m/s2 (1G), you are under the same condition as another man, standing on the Earth surface, being also influenced with 1G of gravity.
  4. My addition to the theory, which is VERY important, is a logical distinction between components of spacetime and gravity. within conditions of extreme gravity, like in black hole, we know that mass is actually collapsed into non detected, same with time as a related component, while black hole's gravity extends beyond the physical borders of spacetime dimensions. As spacetime cannot escape gravity, gravity itself cannot be influenced or related to gravity, meaning gravity is NOT part of spacetime, but rather another extension, possibly called spacetime-gravity, which could be 5th dimension by all means

Let's imagine 3D world in 4D

As we are 3D ready-made, our mind cannot think beyond 3D, because it is 3D-based and that's its final range. So to imagine higher dimensions, we can help by degrading dimensional fields down to our perception for easy understanding.
My favorite story, mentioned earlier, is by imaging 2D nation, which only knows about 2 dimensions. 3rd dimension, as up-down is unknown to them, but for us it is perfectly normal, that we can step-into their 2D world from above, also it is perfectly normal to step onto one place in 2D, then lift our foot, make a step forward and land our foot again into 2D world in some different position, which presents plain miracle for 2D nation - our footprint appearing from nothing here, then vanishes and appears in another place again. Further, for us it is also normal to just touch 2D surface, or to step hardly onto it, and even to put thousands of tons of metal there - but for 2D nation it is all the same for them - always just a 2D footprint, without enormous differences in 3rd dimension.

It is quite the same with our perception of TIME component in spacetime continuum. We can easily imagine objects being smaller, bigger, squeezing or extending them, but we cannot percept how to do the same with time dimension - how can time be expanded, compressed, how can we move in time backwards, forward, left, right and up and down. None of these can be understood by our mind naturally.
But in theory and actually in FACT it is all possible, it definitely is happening all the time, all the space and all the dimensions. We just don't get it.

The acceleration component

The most part of General Relativity assumes gravity can be neglected, meaning not considering its role in equations, which simplifies whole lot's of stuff. But let's take an example of above mentioned constant acceleration of 9,8 m/s2 against static gravity, present on Earth surface - both objects are under exact same influences, while for the first one we need to consume enormous energy to keep it accelerating, and for the second one it only needs to be placed statically on Earth surface.

With other words - simulating gravity force would end with consuming all existing energy resources, until all would vanish beyond speed of light in different equations.
But hey - what about temporary accelerations, everyday ones? Like driving a car or launching a rocket into space? These do not consume infinite quantities of energy, but rather only those available, being able to carry along and being said in simple words - I think this is the principle, which The Overall BALANCE of All That Exists protects itself from vanishing. Gravity as some Caretaker takes care that all we take from Earth to burn and consume, returns back to Earth for regeneration. So, in principle, it does not matter how fast we go, or how much we consume on the larger scale, because all that is will stay here.

Now, this is the energy transform law, where energy cannot vanish, nor appear from nothing. And here we came to dimensional transitions.

Trans-dimensional energy transitions

As in above example of 2D nation, these 2D people cannot and will never understand, how may one "thing" appear from 3rd dimension and vanish into it, because they are not built to sense movements beyond 2D. With same analogy we in 3D are not build and will probably never be able to construct a device, which would measure transitions in time-dimension. Even more - not only time-dimension, but also in 5th dimension!

Now magnets come into play

Magnetism is by my theory more gravity-alike, than any other energy. It is not spacetime limited, but by my understanding rather a side-effect of gravity....or maybe vice versa - gravity being side effect of magnetism.
If we take our Earth and strip it down layer by layer, we'll get a ball in size of an orange, with NO gravity! Same is valid for magnets - if we break them down, size them, we'll be left with a single particle, having no magnetic field at all.
So the partial conclusion is that like gravity, magnetism too is a component of spacetime existence, having the same astonishing effect on it - higher the magnetic field, slower the time!

Now, put the gravity and magnetism together

As gravity compresses spacetime, so does magnetism. But precaution here - extreme gravity influences time only INSIDE itself, not outside, meaning that time within center of increased gravity runs slower.
But let's warn about another fact - in lab testing, producing a higher gravity would require us to  - let's picture - twist (rotate and squeeze) time object, so it would become thiner and compressed, spirally twisted into new shape. Space on surface of previously thick object would experience time acceleration at the beginning of experiment, then during its phase new, slower timing would  influence the spacetime of twisted object itself, and when lab testing is over, we would need to release the twist, so the surface would now experience the reversed time shift, returning to previous, normal timeline.
So in basics, we would NEVER be able to measure or experience the shifted time, because when we would be back, no time would lapse.

This is important for the understanding of how magnets are pressured with energy.
By magnetizing the metal we actually "twist" the spacetime component, allowing twisted space to absorb enormous quantities of Earth magnetic energy, being it time-compressed. With other words, permanent magnets from inside are actually high-gravity/magnetism influenced, being thus able to contain a lot more energy, than it has been pressed into them to magnetize them.
This compressed and time-twisted energy can then be slowly released during our (normal) time and it will last longer than any other stored energy.

Let's twist words again:
Magnets are, by my theory, very much alike black-holes, except of that they are not 5-dimensional spacetime-gravity objects, but spacetime-magnetic objects.